The day I received the set of Danidreth’s Assassin stories, I dove right into Book 1. It has been roughly 10 days since then and I have story crumbs strewn all over my reading room. I have just begun book 3 and I am greatly enjoying every paragraph. For me, one sign of a good story, a well-crafted piece of writing is when I stop, go back, and reread a paragraph, sentence, or phrase. Not because I didn’t get it, but because the use of language was so perfect. Throughout the three stories I’ve read so far, I have enjoyed several ‘go backs.’ The character development is exceptional. The scene setting is terrific. So far, I’ve found no inconsistencies, and I’ve even found cases of well-placed deep dives that help amplify elements that are not only important in the ‘now’ of the story, but I suspect will be very important as I read on.
Amira is complex and her character will undoubtedly have a lot of growth moments. Daindreth is not one-dimensional, which I did worry about when I began. Thadred is the kind of wing man I hope I would merit. The story has taken me to the early days of Amira and Daindreth in the Haven and I’m anxious to learn more about that community, and I’m also looking forward to more obstacles, solutions, and shifts in relationships.
So, just like the cartoon character the Tasmanian Devil might go through a bag of potato chips, I’m whirling through these books. I’ll have to sweep up story debris once I finish. But not right now. Right now, I must finish my chores so I can get back to Daindreth’s Assassin!!