I enjoyed this. The adventure flowed compellingly, interrupted only by a couple typos. The one I remember was "regulate" when "relegate" was intended. Also, Shaza's injuries.magically healed by the time he reappeared in the last of the Talitha novellas - but I should expect as much on a fantasy 😀.
I'm worried about long term access: I tried many times to get some of the Sandsea novels onto my Kindle, and only succeeded once. Then Amazon changed their terms of service so there was no longer any point. As much as I hope BookFunnel thrives, the way of the world is that businesses have a half-life of 5 years - a 50% chance of ceasing operation or being bought by some other entity. At 65, my own half-life of 17 years is substantially longer, so I'd prefer an epub or pdf on my own media.