Hello, my lovelies! Do you know what today is? That’s right! The release day for Fanged Princess!

I would like to give a HUMONGOUS thank-you to everybody who’s helped me get here, all the awesome bloggers who took part in the cover reveal, the über-cool folks who participated in Fanged Mania, and the people who have showed their support in all their unique and special ways! I will be announcing the winner of Fanged Mania next Friday, so all you who participated, stay tuned!

I will not let my brother suffer the same loss…
Hadassah’s father, the Vampire King, punished her harshly for her choice to love a human. Now her brother, the only person in the world who still matters to her, has fallen for a human girl. Determined to keep the girl safe, the three of them flee from their home in New England and find themselves cornered with their father’s minions closing in. If they want to escape, their only hope may be to join forces with the mortal enemies of their kind…
Be ensnared in this dark tale of enduring love, revenge, and suspense from teenage author, Elisabeth Wheatley.
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(The NOOK and paperback editions should be available by the end of the week.) Now, the plan was to have a blog tour starting today, but my tour organizer has been out of touch, so I’m really sorry about that! But if I can’t reschedule, I will be setting up my own tour (ah, the joys of a small publisher) and there will be some awesome giveaways either way. Yay!
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