Blog Hop: The Next Big Thing
Much thanks to Kaitlyn Deann for tagging me to be a part of this blog hop! How it works: An author answers a set of questions about their current work-in-progress and posts it on their blog along with the names and links to the blogs of 4-5 authors they’re tagging. Then, the following Wednesday, those authors post their answers to the questions along with the 4-5 authors they are tagging and so on.
So without further ado, here’s a few tidbits about my current WIP!
What is the working title of your next book?
The title of my current work-in-progress is “Myrmidon.” (mur-MIH-don) And I am inordinately proud of that one.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
I had this image of a brother and sister—both outlaws and warriors—secretly following a bad guy through shady streets and realizing that their little sister is involved with him. This raised questions such as: Who were the brother and sister? Why were they outlaws? Who was this “bad guy”?
Things kind of got out of hand from there.
What genre does your book fall under?
Young Adult Fantasy! And that’s the best genre ever, in my not-so-humble opinion. Just saying…
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Well, the main character, Saire, is a redhead and I can’t think of any redheads in Hollywood right now who would fit the part. Then again, make up can fix just about anything and I haven’t seen Abigail Breslin lately. I know she’s got the ability to act the part. Hmm…
There is one character who will be appearing later in the series who was inspired by Brad Pitt’s portrayal of Achilles, but I don’t think he would be right to play this character so…I’d leave casting to the producers (or my mother).
Unless they tried casting Justin Bieber as the love interest or something like that. Then I would go ballistic. (Sorry, Justin.)
What is the one-sentence-synopsis of your book?
A girl supernaturally gifted as a warrior must choose between the twin brother with whom her mind is linked and the Empire she has sworn to serve.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
No idea—aren’t mysteries exciting…?
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Well, I technically still haven’t written the first draft, but I’m hoping to finally complete it by the end of January/mid-February. Nonetheless, I’ve been working on Myrmidon on and off for…I don’t know how long…quite possibly years.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I would say there are definitely some Throne of Glass influences. (I love that series to bits, in case you didn’t know.) But unlike most fantasy books, which take place in a medieval setting, this one is based on the Ancient World. And I haven’t read many books like that, so I don’t know which ones to compare it to.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I’m working on the series now because I’ve had Saire’s story bouncing around in my skull for awhile and decided it was finally time to do something about it. But one source of inspiration for me was the movie Troy that I saw a year or two ago. It is very weird that I like Troy because it’s not fantasy, not young adult, and completely lacks a fairytale ending. But in spite of the several scenes which I fast-forward (prudish little Christian girl here), it has a lot about family loyalty, awesome fight scenes, and the romances aren’t too nauseating (okay, so I don’t mind the occasional romance). The movie also got me to research the “real” stories in mythology and that provided a plethora of imagination-fuel.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
In this series, I mix historical facts about the Roman Empire and juicy bits from Greek mythology into a story of friendship, family, betrayal, loyalty, and greed for a thrilling fantasy story!
Check out these awesome folks next week to see their answers to these questions about their current WIP!
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